11 August 2012

R&R - Catholic Ryan, Mormon Romney - End days of the RRich - Let us pray.

Cartoon left: David Horsey/Los Angeles Times

Ryan/Romney- each believing in his own version of the sugar plum fairy - yes - but neither one reads their sacred Book:

Matthew 25. 31-46 'Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these. . .(hungry, thirsty, naked, prisoner), you did it to Me'.

"Do it to Me"? - virtual Eucharist? - without the crackers and Cheeses?

Or Mosiah 4.16-26 " [Y]e should impart of your substance to the poor, every man according to that which he hath, such as feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the sick and administering to their relief, both spiritually and temporally, according to their wants.  (thank you, Jon Adams!)

Ref: Dana Milbank, Washington Post, USA Catholic Bishops and Georgetown Catholic professors.

In their defense, both men argue that feeding the poor is not the responsibility of governments-at-large, but that of the members of the plum fairies' clubs.  Does the "Son of Man" narrow his stipulation?  Cf: Catholic bishops letter.  (Parsing ἔθνος, vs 32, to English seems to be "all Nations. . .gathered before Him".)

OMG, what of the "no feeding" downside, Matt. 25.41. . ."depart (to the) eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels" - hope these folks find time from their time a' fool'n with us to read their Book(s). . .just in time!  Photo credit above: 'Reuters/Jason Reed'

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